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Human-in-the-Loop AI is Coming To Your Job, Not For It.

We’ve seen a lot written recently on how AI is coming for the jobs of the creative class. Chicken Littles squawking that soon jobs as diverse as screenwriters, graphic designers, doctors and sales people, will be totally replaced by generative machines.

As an AI advertising company baking these tools into our processes, let us dispel the hyperbole.

As is often the case these claims are considerably overblown (much like #DATA! and #BlockChain! before them). If we take a sober look at the state of things we often find more nuance than the black and white digital media landscape would have us believe.

The fact is, most jobs have considerable human elements for which a machine is simply undesirable. They may be better at identifying a diagnosis, but wouldn’t you still want to hear it from a real human Doctor who expresses understanding and guidance?

  • The screenwriter draws on their own experience of living an imperfect human life.

  • The graphic designer is essentially a human interface between the client and the design.

  • A sales rep is there as much to entertain, befriend and maybe swing a golf club or take us for a pedicure, even if a machine can efficiently automate client outreach. No one wants to share a meal and swap industry gossip with a robot.

Each of these jobs can be divided into the specific tasks performed vs. the human to human interfacing that guides the doing of those tasks. Any professional must of course know how to do their respective tasks, but more importantly, they also know what should be done. They are able to root a task inside a human context that actually provides the value of their particular service.

The task based work can and is being outsourced rapidly to machines. The “what”, relationship-fueled side of the equation is, we believe, still a highly valuable and very human undertaking.

That’s why we have come to believe strongly that the future of AI integration into the workplace is destined to be overwhelmingly of the “Human in the Loop” sort.

Human-in-the-loop (HITL) automation refers to a process or system where human input, decision-making, or intervention is integrated with automated components or technologies. In this setup, humans work together with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), or other automated tools to optimize workflows, enhance decision-making, and improve overall performance.

The main purpose of human-in-the-loop automation is to combine the strengths of both human intelligence and automated systems.

While automation can handle repetitive and data-driven tasks with speed and efficiency, humans provide contextual understanding, creativity, and emotional intelligence. This collaboration ensures that the system is more robust, adaptable, and capable of handling complex problems that may arise during the course of operation.

As AI tools become more integrated into the workplace, the demand for skilled professionals who can work alongside these tools and utilize them effectively will increase. This shift necessitates a focus on upskilling and reskilling to stay competitive in the job market.

Here are some strategies to help you navigate the rise of HITL AI automation:

Embrace lifelong learning:

Stay ahead of the curve by continuously updating your skills and knowledge. Pursue training and certifications in relevant areas, such as AI, machine learning, data analysis, and programming languages.

Develop soft skills:

As HITL AI takes on more repetitive and mundane tasks, human employees will be valued for their ability to think critically, solve complex problems, and communicate effectively. Focus on improving your interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and adaptability.

Diversify your skillset:

Build expertise in multiple areas to increase your versatility and employability. By having a broad range of skills, you'll be better prepared to adapt to the changing job market and take on new roles as they emerge.

Network and collaborate:

Build strong relationships with colleagues, industry professionals, and AI experts. Engage in collaborative projects, attend industry events, and join online forums to stay connected and informed about the latest trends and opportunities.

Stay informed:

Keep up to date with the latest developments in AI and HITL automation. Follow industry news, research, and thought leaders to ensure you're aware of the evolving landscape and can anticipate potential changes in your job role or industry.

In conclusion, while Human in the Loop AI automation may indeed change the job landscape, it also presents an opportunity for growth and adaptation. By embracing lifelong learning, developing your soft skills, diversifying your skillset, networking, and staying informed, you can successfully navigate the rise of HITL AI and secure your place in the workforce of the future.

At Jetson Advertising Intelligence we’re helping marketers and advertisers to use human-in-the-loop AI to automate processes, build new revenue streams, escape the FTE-billing trap and build stronger customer relationships. If you run an agency, a brand or an ad tech firm we’d love to talk with you about our advertising intelligence solutions!


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